6/10 - Perfectly fine in a quiet romantic, ideal world kind of way.
About Time marks the second occasion where Rachel McAdams marries a time traveller. A strange way to get type-cast, but with charisma like hers she can make whatever movies she wants. There is something special about making a romcom with a time travelling twist. It's an adventure that is specifically and solely about sentimentality.
If you're wondering what this movie is about, you'll catch on pretty quickly in one viewing. It's one of those movies where there is a message and it hits you over the head with it. In fact, the movie is basically saying "This is the way to live your life. Here, look, this guy is doing it and he's happy! See? DO IT."
The problem with this kind of hammer on nail morality tale is that it puts plot in second place. There are so many problems with the story that I cannot possibly mention them all in this post.
Do not try to follow the "rules" of time travel. They don't exist. If you're a sci fi junkie and thought Looper was problematic, then don't even consider this film. The only "rules" that are stated are all broken at some point in the movie. All of them. But of course, time travel is a metaphor! Sure, sure. Then don't ruin your metaphor by breaking the rules.
It's also a movie about appreciating life you have and finding the best way to spend your time. Of course, it's easy to demonstrate this with a mid to upper class privileged, steadily employed family. Appreciate what you have! When you're well off, and there's no risk of losing what you have.

Overall there are some brilliant moments that makes it an enjoyable movie. The seasoned direction of Richard Curtis makes the movie feel intimate and romantic. Domhnall Gleeson is captivating as a growing, slightly awkward kid who grows into his family. It's genuinely fun to relive all the awkward moments and the terror that comes with meeting someone new and almost losing them. It's easy to become quite invested in the warm Bill Nighy as the guiding father. It's a good movie, but not one I would ever want to rewatch.
IMDb - About Time (7.8)
Wikipedia - About Time
Rotten Tomatoes - About Time (69%)
Amazon.ca - About Time
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