Apr 30, 2013

My Internet Dating Failures

I made a funny video to share my experiences with getting technology involved in my dating life. Most of these people are based on real messages I received. I hope you enjoy!
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Apr 24, 2013

Soap Opera Indigestion

For my production class I had to produce, direct, and edit a one minute short film. Sadly the script was not mine, but I had a lot of fun making this. I have terrific classmates who helped me out.

Apr 22, 2013

Walk the Dinosaur

Today I had the awesome privileged of bringing my play titled Walk the Dinosaur to life. I prepared a small scene sampling and we did a script reading in our final Writing for Actors class.

This is a play about a dinosaur named Steggy who time travels to the 20th century, specifically New York City in 1987. He disguises himself and goes to work at a bank where he falls in love with his co-worker, Samantha.

I'm really excited about doing more projects like this in the future! Thanks SW2012!

Apr 21, 2013

REVIEW: Sleepwalk With Me

7/10 – Rewatch for a laugh.

Another really great indy movie. I loved the unique style of narration. It grounded the movie in reality, giving gravity to the actions. It was engaging and not what I was expecting.

I heard the movie explored the comic’s true story about getting into stand up. A story about struggling with a developing relationship, and family, and responsibilities, and real life problems was what it became. It was a movie that rewarded ambition and drive at whatever cost.

Although the protagonist was a genuine person, and therefore more flawed than any movie character will be, I keep coming back to the idea that it may not be a great story to tell people to ignore their responsibilities and relationships in exchange for personal drive. Or maybe I think that because it hits home, and I often struggle with balancing the two.

I give a lot of credit to the writer for developing a movie that felt fresh and unique, and was not boring or a one-note. 

IMDB - Sleepwalk with Me
Wikipedia - Sleepwalk with Me
Rotten Tomatoes - Sleepwalk with Me (85%)
Amazon.ca - Sleepwalk With Me

Apr 18, 2013

REVIEW: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

7/10 – A Rewatcher (If you remember it)

I really wanted to love this movie, before I saw it.

Cheesy end of days? Amazing. Deadpan depression about the event, even better. An impromptu adventure with nothing to lose? Steve Carell? I am down for this film.

And those elements made this movie good. I really enjoyed the approach where people no longer felt obligated to hold back, and an exploration of how humans would react among a broad spectrum. I don’t really have anything negative to say even though I am building up to it. It was all of those things that I wanted. 

My only criticism is that it gets slow in places, and therefore it is not as memorable as it should have been. In fact, there isn’t much about it that I did remember. It was like they showed their hand in the first 20 minutes/in the trailer so there was no big surprises along the way. When party at the beginning of the movie shows white collar people having a party, they break out every outfit they never wore, fireworks, deep down family dirt, three-ways, and heroine… the friendlies restaurant that they go to where everyone lets go of their inhibitions seems tame by comparison.

The whole movie is an exploration of what happens when reality really hits and it felt real when reality really did hit. Steve Carell did a brilliant job showing that not everyone was ready to celebrate the end of their life. But it lacked that real heavy hitting emotional punch that this movie needed to drive it home.

IMDb - Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Wikipedia - Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Rotten Tomatoes - Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (56%)
Amazon.ca - Seeking a Friend for the End of the World