Apr 21, 2013

REVIEW: Sleepwalk With Me

7/10 – Rewatch for a laugh.

Another really great indy movie. I loved the unique style of narration. It grounded the movie in reality, giving gravity to the actions. It was engaging and not what I was expecting.

I heard the movie explored the comic’s true story about getting into stand up. A story about struggling with a developing relationship, and family, and responsibilities, and real life problems was what it became. It was a movie that rewarded ambition and drive at whatever cost.

Although the protagonist was a genuine person, and therefore more flawed than any movie character will be, I keep coming back to the idea that it may not be a great story to tell people to ignore their responsibilities and relationships in exchange for personal drive. Or maybe I think that because it hits home, and I often struggle with balancing the two.

I give a lot of credit to the writer for developing a movie that felt fresh and unique, and was not boring or a one-note. 

IMDB - Sleepwalk with Me
Wikipedia - Sleepwalk with Me
Rotten Tomatoes - Sleepwalk with Me (85%)
Amazon.ca - Sleepwalk With Me

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